Document Type : Research Paper



Adaptation has a long history in Islamic culture. Transcribing and recording Holy Quran and hadith (tradition) has strictly been under severe rules and regulations, while little attention was paid to fidelity in translating and quoting other works. This infidelity sometimes went to excess so that it could be properly considered as plagiarism. Such instances cannot be neglected because of their excessiveness, although infidelity in quoting cannot be always considered as plagiarism. A definite example is Shamayel al-Atghiya by Rukn al-Din, the actuary of Kashan - a mystic of Chashtiyyah sect in late 7th to early 8th(Hegira century) /13th to 14th AD – who makes such modifications and alterations in sources that shows the absence of trusteeship in his method, giving book-titles of the quoted materials and their authors' names,. Using some contemplative examples of adaptation and plagiarism, this article attempts to survey their relations in oral tradition and ideological principles as well as modern attitudes towards them. The article also underlines the significance of Shamayel al-Atghiya as the first work after 200 years dealing appreciatively with teachings and works of 'Ayn al-Quzat of Hamadan, adducing his opinions.
