alireza hajianjad; sorore rebat; tahere khiri
Volume 4, Issue 2 , March 2015, , Pages 61-80
The 6th and 7th Hijri centuries were two of the very brilliant periods of Persian language and literature, especially in the field of mystical poetry which emerged and developed by ...
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The 6th and 7th Hijri centuries were two of the very brilliant periods of Persian language and literature, especially in the field of mystical poetry which emerged and developed by three of Iranian-Islamic great mystics: Sanāie, Attar and Mowlavi. Their same and close understanding and feeling toward God, universe and … resulted in an intellectual system on which realizing the effect of each depends on the understanding of the work, the individuation and the special identity of two others. We would point, in present essay, to some of Mowlavie’s derivations and connexions with the thoughts, works and allegories Sanāie used in his Hadiqa depending on both works of Mathnavi and Hadiqat al Haqiqa. Not only in thought but in the manner of his presentation,Mowlavi was inspired by Sanāie in many cases. The primacy of mercy belongs to Sanāie over here and the development to Mowlavi. Mowlavi expressed the difficulties and the delicacies of mysticism in a popular and very persuasive language, but Sanāie’s language in Hadiqa, regardless to its literary complexity had its own special features. .